Public Service Campaign Kickoff

The following is an excerpt from member Danielle Dillard’s personal blog, A Healthy Pace.

Recently I had the pleasure of attending the 2011-2012 Public Service Campaign Kickoff event hosted by Ad 2 Orlando. We are lucky to have a team right here in Orlando that offers pro bono services to local non-profit organizations in need of an advertising makeover.

The event was held at the Hilton Altamonte Springs, and the presentation featured the announcement of this year’s client selection. Last year’s client was Pet Rescue by Judy. The team created an updated logo, radio spots, billboard ads, a local television ad, signage and more for the rescue shelter in Seminole county.

For those of you that weren’t there, I am sure you’re dying to know who this year’s client is. Drumroll please…The recipient for this year is Safe House of Seminole, and was selected from chosen from more than 60 applicants.

Safe House of Seminole is an emergency residential safe haven for women and their children fleeing domestic violence. During their stay, residents receive individual crisis counseling, case management, safety planning, emergency clothing and food, support groups, children’s services and personal advocacy.

I’m excited to work with such a wonderful organization dedicated to housing and improving the lives of women and children who are victims of domestic violence.

It was my first experience with Ad 2 Orlando, and the fact that I signed up online as soon as I got home – and emailed about joining the public service committee – I can tell you that it won’t be my last.

-Danielle Dillard, Ad 2 Orlando member

The Ads on the School Bus Go Round and Round

Check out the update below from our Government Relations Committee in regards to authorizing advertisements on school buses.

On June 14th, State Representative Bryan Nelson (R-Apopka) filed HB19, a bill that would authorize local businesses to advertise on public school buses. This bill was filed to raise revenue for the local school districts in Florida who are suffering due to the tough budget cuts in public education. Similar law already exists with success in several states, including TX and CO, with several other states supporting similar legislation. All of the revenue raised from the advertisements will remain in the local school districts.

This bill will benefit the advertisement industry by giving local businesses more opportunities to reach consumers with information about their products and services. Several companies have already expressed interest in this advertising opportunity. The bill will also benefit public education. Millions of dollars in revenue are expected to be raised overall, and a school district with 200 buses could expect to receive almost $1 million in a 4 year period based on advertising agreements.

Currently, the Florida Association of Pupil Transportation is against this bill because they believe that the advertisements will distract drivers and cause an increase in accidents. The truth is that to date, no school buses with advertisements in the US have been involved in a crash. Additionally, no advertising-related incidents have been reported for other public transportation vehicles with ads (Lynx) and their ads are substantially larger.

The Ad 2 Orlando government affairs committee will be keeping you up to date with the development of this bill. If you want to keep track of the progress of the bill online, click here:

Lets Get This Party Started

So, we recently hosted our Membership Kick-off event and there’s no doubt we’re feeling great about this year’s Ad 2 Orlando Chapter! The venue was packed with more than 100 people; Some joined us from AAF, others were Ad 2 members and, best of all, we welcomed several new faces that were enthusiastic about becoming part of the 2011-2012 Ad 2 crew.

There was also a large interest in joining committees. Eight people signed up for the Public Service committee, and several more other committees – including Socials, Public Relations/Social Media, Education, Diversity, Creative, and Membership – also engaged with potential members and encouraged involvement.

At the end of the evening, we had eight new members  and 19 signatures on committee sheets. To top it all off, the Sponsorship committee’s donated gift certificates (hat tip to Jon Herbster) and the generosity of our members helped raise approximately $250! It was a fantastic time with wonderful people. Ad 2, get ready for a great year!

If you missed the event, or the sign-up sheets — or whatever — and want to get involved, email Tiffany L. Ryan at
for more info!

The Faces of Government Relations Review

When I received the email that Ad2 was presenting The Faces of Government Relations, it sounded intriguing. I mean, I really feel guilty about my news consumption lately. Considering I’ve only really had time for a nightly DVR date with John Stewart, I feel that I haven’t been doing my part to stay in-the-know when it comes to informing myself about local government and how it affects myself and my industry on a day-to-day basis.

I didn’t have time to research the panel as I would have liked…but this afforded me the opportunity to really go into to this with an open mind. I had always seen the government, on both a local and national level, as an omnipotent body in the sky and had always felt that the sole means of communicating effectively with my elected officials was through my vote. However, this panel really illuminated the symbiotic relationship that Central Floridians have with their government and how we, especially those of us in advertising, work to achieve many of the same goals.

Once we had all grabbed some yummy cheese and wine, we took our seats and were introduced to the panel:

  • Orange County Commissioner of District 4, Jennifer Thompson
  • Vice President & Partner at Curley & Pynn, Dan Ward
  • Manager of Government Affairs and Municipal Marketing at Advanced Disposal, Sharon Smoley

The panel was well-rounded to say the least. Whether you worked client-side, for an agency, or for the government, you were represented here. Each member was asked to introduce themselves and answer a list of questions from government co-chairs Nichole Griffin and Heather Keroes.

Sharon went first. She works with a waste management company that is contracted by local governments. (Insert trash jokes here…she didJ) Sharon is also a registered lobbyist in the state of Florida. It is her job to develop relationships with and convey her message to local and state governments on behalf of Advanced Disposal. This is a very competitive, results-focused job that requires one to be very passionate without being overly-aggressive. Sound familiar? Who knew that lobbyists were funny, open, warm, and drank wine out of plastic cups like us? More importantly, she taught us some important lessons that translate directly to the advertising/public relations industry:

  • Importance of cultivating relationships and trust– Having positive relationships with those in your industry and community is a valuable commodity and personally rewarding
  • Your reputation is everything– it only takes one bad decision to ruin it forever
  • Educate yourself about what you need to know– It isn’t anyone else’s job to teach you the rules of how to interact with elected officials. The laws are written by government officials and mandate that the lobbyist must maintain boundaries when communicating

Dan went next. If you’ve been educated and/or worked in Orlando for any length of time, you’re well aware of the strategic marketing agency Curley & Pynn. Dan was able to break down what questions he asks clients in order to help them reach their public relations goals:

  • Who do you want to reach?
  • What do they know about you?
  • What do you want them to know?
  • What do you want them to do?

All of us in the industry ask these questions, sometimes just in a different order or to a different audience. However, they help us strategically push the right message to a targeted audience. Most importantly, Mr. Ward reminded us that listening to what you don’t want to hear will always help you in both your professional and personal lives.

Jennifer Thompson was sworn in as Orange County Commissioner for District 4 two months ago. She is also runs a marketing firm for physicians as well as a local magazine…she’s not busy at all.

Commissioner Thompson was very down-to-earth and spoke to us about her entrepreneurial past and all the things she’s learn so far during her short time in office. She’s still getting used to finding herself on the other side of the communication chain. Having worked in marketing, it was always her job to push her messaging out to the media, now the media contacts her. She has to be aware of who she talks to, how she interacts with everyone she meets, and how she utilizes social media. She willingly handed over her Facebook and Twitter passwords in order to adhere to Florida’s Sunshine law. She took us behind the curtains and gave us a first-hand look at what her schedule looks like, all the research she has to do, and how one of her goals while in office is to improve government communication as it relates to the community. She encouraged us to visit a chamber meeting, go to Tallahassee, tweet, blog, and get involved in any way that we can.

The floor was now open for the attendees to ask questions. There were questions about ethics, stabilizing the local economy, and even the legalities of directional signs. The panel’s answers were honest, politically neutral, and empathetic.

The truth is, I walked away really inspired. Everyone on the panel was so intelligent and willing to share their personal experiences, without being intimidating. They made me realize that I have a lot more power and responsibility than I thought and that I owe it to myself, my community, and my industry to get involved whether it’s through Rally in Tally or attending a Board of County Commissioners (BCC) meeting. I invite you to do the same and look forward to seeing you at the next Ad2 event.

Jennifer Laker


Media Coordinator

My adventures in Pensacola by Pete Cleevely

…And lessons learned from the peanut gallery – Dave Waring

Well our journey began on the road we had some good music and great conversation mixed in among the hits. Our fist stop was in Ocala where we were meeting up with Tampa and Polk County folks who were joining.

Prior to hitting the road, we exchanged walkie-talkies so we could share laughs from car to car. We also made a rule that at each stop, one person from each car had to rotate to the other car. This ended up being a great idea because it got us all acquainted with one another. I will say that it was very easy to feel comfortable with the extra members of our group.
2 lessons learned: It’s “What’s your 20?” not “What’s your 40?” And some people need to get to a missionary position before they can fully concentrate… or was it a stationary position?

Once in Pensacola we wasted no time getting checked in and immediately heading for the bar. We had a couple pre-game drinks and then got on the trolley to head over to the party for some networking, ice breaking and a scavenger hunt. It was a great first night in a place that was totally new to me.
Lesson learned: It can be both 11 p.m. and 10 p.m. in Florida at the same time.

Saturday was great! The festivities began with our morning speaker who covered mostly digital media and how it will be used in the foreseeable future. At the board meeting a lot of things were put up to discussion as well as up for voting. It was very interesting to see the inner workings of AAF and Ad 2. The lunch time speaker went over focusing on the good sides of life and business as opposed to the bad. I was able to relate to him immediately due to his motivation to excel in business with a lack of excelling in academics.
Lessons learned: For some reason, 8 a.m. comes very early in Pensacola, Nike’s original vision statement was “beat Adidas’, give four compliments to someone within the first few moments of meeting them – “You’re pretty” doesn’t count, and voting on issues is way cooler than represented.

Time for dinner, they had prepared an amazing spread along with a pianist to entertain us while we dined. Afterwards we all met downstairs for a drink in the bar area of the hotel while waiting for the trolley to pick us up and take us on the pub crawl.
Lesson learned: Some women have the god-given and very handy ability to fit 8 beers in a purse the size of my hand!

The pub crawl started at The Grand Marlin; it had an amazing view, live band, great drinks and an all-around great atmosphere. From there, we traveled to Sand Shakers then to Islanders; both fun and full of locals.
Lessons learned: It’s not PC to call it a “stripper pole”… it’s called a “dancing pole”, and Ad3 aint got nothin’ on us!

On Sunday, breakfast was followed by our last speaker who covered social media and how important it is to start utilizing it if you haven’t already. After our last board meeting, the final duty was to watch the video collaborated by Jim Clark, the 4th District Historian”. It was hilarious and a great way to finish off the conference.
Lessons learned: If you want interaction on your Facebook posts, ask an interesting, engaging question… and stop bitchin’ about everything, you damn whiner!

In a nutshell it was great experience filled with great people, great locations and great knowledge of Ad 2, AAF, and business in general.
Lesson learned: Tampa and Polk county people are great travel companions and Pensacola knows how to throw a party… and a conference. See you in Miami Ad 2 Orlando!
Cleeveley, out.

Diversity: Shake it Then Stir

Yoma Edwin
This will be the first in a series of posts that I will be bringing to you on my prospective on diversity in advertising for young professionals in Orlando.  This is also my official introduction as the new Diversity Chair of Ad 2 Orlando. I am honored that the board has chosen me for this awesome position.

Diversity for many is like an exotic drink that most would like to try but when it all comes down to it, they feel more comfortable with just a regular beer because that keeps them in their comfort zone. Take me for instance, I am a 6’3 220+ black guy that loves Coldplay, Pink Floyd and Ingrid Michaelson and still thinks Tupac is alive and living in Guam.  

However, unless you allow yourself to know me without first assuming that we may not have anything alike because of my color, your color, my BMW or your Prius, then you will fail to realize that we are all connected. The only reason we even have a Diversity committee and not a “Just People” committee is because we allow assumptions, culture, race and friends to dictate our ability to connect without first learning. If you would first learn a person no matter what their differences, it would allow you to become people diverse which would then be reflected in your advertising messages and networking. I challenge you to shake up the status quo; become diverse and befriend someone that is outside your usual network.

Smile & Always Think Positive!

SERVE-ing Those in Need

Public Service: a service that is performed for the benefit of the public or its institutions. That’s what SERVE was all about. It highlighted the need for us, as professionals, to give back to the community that we live in. That’s exactly what Ad 2 Orlando has done.

Last year, a group of eight young professionals spent countless hours of their free time, sacrificing any hope at a social life, to give back in a huge way. We’re talking about a complete campaign valued at over $1.7 million. Not too shabby, if you ask me.

So what, exactly, was SERVE? It was a look at the past and a glimpse into the future, with a few jokes thrown in. Last year, The Center for Great Apes was chosen as the beneficiary for the public service campaign. We were shown nine months of hard work, crammed into a one-hour presentation. We heard stories about how Linus ,one of the featured apes, loves to sit in the rain after he was trapped in a cage for 10 years, how Marco and Butch became inseparable best friends, and how Mari has adapted to life without arms.

I think just about everyone in the room that night fought back the urge to cry at some point during the presentation – whether is was from hearing the stories of how these apes survived horrible living situations or from the thought of hearing Wayne crack one more cheesy joke. I won’t even mention the 97 times he referred to his co-chair as “Sexy Pete.”

The bottom line is that SERVE had a purpose: to open our eyes to the needs of others. We’ve all heard the excuses of why people don’t give back, usually it’s because they don’t have the time or the money. I’m no exception to this rule. Right now, Pet Rescue by Judy is in desperate need of help. (Can you tell by the web site?) This organization is helping those who can’t help themselves – pets who have been abandoned and abused. Seeing Judy tear up at the thought of complete strangers pulling together, to provide her with the help she needs, warmed my heart.

SERVE definitely served its purpose – it opened my eyes to the needs of others and showed me how I could help.  After all, I do love animals, so I signed up for the new volunteer initiative. It’s just a small way of giving back and, in return, gaining a cleverly designed T-shirt titled “glAD 2 help”.

Amber Bloom

New Ad 2 Orlando Member and Public Service Advocate

The Auction as Remembered by Jon and Justin

Chapter 1: Welcome, Please Leave.

Our night at the 2010 Ad 2 Media Auction began like any other.  Apparently there were multiple events occurring simultaneously, one of which had a strict no-jeans policy. I chose the door on the left, or as I call it, the blue pill. I should have mentioned that I was there for the Ad 2 event and that I was pretty sure penguin attire was not required. Door number two provided a polite hostess who directed us towards auction ecstasy.

Chapter 2: Beer Me

Once inside, I introduced myself to the drink menu. One Peroni. One Stella. Nice selection, Crave.

Chapter 3: Hey Lindsey!

“Nice to meet you Lindsey Levy, no it’s actually pronounced sis-lee, not sissy”. I cried. And I’m not a sissy. Agreed.

smoke break…

Chapter 4: Tattoos and Gunpowder

Drinking on the patio was great, but time to be social. No better icebreaker than tattoos – nice meeting you Ryan Pesch. While Ryan and I were busy discussing our personal art, Jon had the opportunity to meet with Tiffany Ryan of Orlampa/Acropolis. Jon was quick to discuss his recently acquired golf package at Alaqua (seriously reaching for street cred) while Tiffany was quick to discuss her successful marriage and recent appointment to President-Elect, congrats!

Chapter 5: Well, MY odds are good.

Raffle? Apparently this excited Jon, who decided to purchase three tickets in a shady back-alley deal. This immediately sent him into his past raffle winnings in the form of a montage flashback, which drops in December. Before exiting the building to place his prized package safely inside his truck, he attempted handing me the raffle tickets. I gracefully declined touching them. Agreed smoke break…

Chapter 6: Connect Four, I don’t count Jon.

After safely storing the meal ticket for our presence, Jon ran into Patrick Davidson of Nitesol, Inc. They have recently done some joint custom print work and played kickball together. !SUDDENLY!, Kristina Doyle from Purple, Rock, Scissors and Lawrie Talansky from Acropolis began relentlessly flirting with us (it was actually the other way around). Sidebar: Purple, Rock, Scissors is responsible for brand discovery and design for the Downtown Orlando Development Board, a campaign which coincidentally, Jon has done print work for. It’s a small restaurant.

Chapter 7: “Keep This Coupon” 732574

Free Willy? Whatever, you had to be there. At this point, we’re two tabs deep when Kristen Zucks declares Jon a winner of the raffle, awarding him a $25 gift certificate to Brio and thus stroking his already-massive ego with yet another miraculous bingo-style win. Jon’s currently in intense training to become a competitive raffler. (And he goes to Rachel’s a lot. There, I said it. Call them car shows, I don’t believe you.)

Chapter 8: Sliders (delicious).

While most of the members decided to call it an evening, a few of us stayed back to grab a table and have what I would call a very uppity meal choice – cheeseburger sliders.  You know it’s a good time when your second tab arrives, which we totally paid after an extensive manhunt.

Chapter 9: For Serious

Our first official Ad 2 experience was an absolute pleasure. We were thankful to be a part of this event and look forward to being active members in this fun and professional environment. We would also like to take this time to personally thank

Crave Restaurant for their generous hospitality and fantastic beverage selection. Thanks for having us, Ad 2!

Justin Sisley

Creative Director

Sign and Drive Marketing

Ahhhh, My First Time

I’ll never forget my first time.  There were a couple of beers to start it all off, the surprisingly comforting soundtrack of laughter in the background, and plenty of welcoming, friendly people to ease me in and explain how it all works…

Ad 2 Orlando’s New Year Kick Off Social was a huge success!

I chose to get fully involved with the process and take a board position on Ad 2.  Go big or go home, right?  Until this first event, most of the time I’d spent with Ad 2 was in the confines of a board room discussing what we were going to do and working in the field trying to fill sponsorship positions.  Man, was it a lot of work.  More than I’d ever seen go into a networking/volunteer group.  I’d also never seen the results of that amount of work going into a networking/volunteer group.  There’s a reason why this group won so many national awards last year!

The night started off with a couple of tasty brews from Orlando Brewing, Co. and a tour of the brewery to experience the magic of beer-making.  The Red Ale goes down nicely!  After a few short handshakes and introductions, I felt like I’d been a part of Ad2 for years.  Every member was a young professional that would like to further their career in Advertising.  They’re all employed by Central Florida’s Ad Agencies, Media Outlets, and various other types of companies that all share the same passion for Advertising.  I was able to toss around a few ideas with fellow colleagues that I never would have met without Ad 2.  It all felt more like a happy hour with friends than a networking event.

After learning about the upcoming Ad 2 Orlando season I’m excited to roll up the sleeves and get to work again, make it out to a conference and hear seminars by long-time professionals in the field, fill that warm-fuzzy void by helping out a non-profit, and come on… Kickball tournaments?  I’ll dominate a kickball tournament.

-Dave Waring, Ad 2 Orlando Sponsorship Chair, and Account Manager at WOM-XFM Mix 105.1

Holy Full Ad 2 Schedule!

It’s our first month of the new year… and we started it off on the right foot… and then the left… and then we started sprinting! With a lot of budgeting, scheduling and party planning, your board of directors have worked very hard to fill your calendar with great events! As you’ll see below, some are fun, some are educational, some career-building and most will be offering lots of drinks!

Take a look, jot them down in your calendar and keep a lookout for updates in our bi-weekly newsletter. Not on the email list? Click here to sign up!

Upcoming events and important dates:

Ad 2 New Year Kick Off at Orlando Brewing. On Thursday, August 12th we will be offering $10 off your Ad 2 Memberships. This is also your chance to meet this year’s board of directors, find out about our plans for the year and sign up for committees. Oh yea, you can also take a tour of Orlando’s very own brewery and mingle advertising professionals and their friends.

Ad 2 Orlando 2010-2011 Public Service Campaign – We are now accepting applications from non-profits to be the beneficiary of this year’s campaign. Applications are due before August 25.

The Ad 2 Orlando Media Auction continues! Calling all bidders! The online auction will continue on from August 16th to 25th. Get 75-90% off media, gift cards, services and more!

More-Than-Media Mingle – Donors and winners are invited on August 26th to Crave by Mall of Millenia at 6pm. Pick up your winning items from the auction and have a coctail to celebrate!

Ad 2 Orlando Kickball Tshirt Competition – Win this competition and have all of the players at this annual event wear your shirt! Enter by emailing your design by September 3rd to

SERVE – An Ad 2 Program and Fundraiser on September 23rd at 6pm. Join us at the Orlando Science Center to learn more about our public service initiative, see last year’s campaign for The Center for Great Apes and sign-up to help one lucky non-profit this year.

Government Relations Program Learn more about legislative issues affecting the advertising industry and its future with 4th District AAF Lobbyist, Jack Hebert, on November 11th.

Annual Kickball Tournament – Four Teams, Two Games, One Winner. Grab your face paint and sweatbands and keep on the lookout for our third annual Ad 2 Orlando Kickball Tournament in mid October. Details coming soon.