The Ads on the School Bus Go Round and Round

Check out the update below from our Government Relations Committee in regards to authorizing advertisements on school buses.

On June 14th, State Representative Bryan Nelson (R-Apopka) filed HB19, a bill that would authorize local businesses to advertise on public school buses. This bill was filed to raise revenue for the local school districts in Florida who are suffering due to the tough budget cuts in public education. Similar law already exists with success in several states, including TX and CO, with several other states supporting similar legislation. All of the revenue raised from the advertisements will remain in the local school districts.

This bill will benefit the advertisement industry by giving local businesses more opportunities to reach consumers with information about their products and services. Several companies have already expressed interest in this advertising opportunity. The bill will also benefit public education. Millions of dollars in revenue are expected to be raised overall, and a school district with 200 buses could expect to receive almost $1 million in a 4 year period based on advertising agreements.

Currently, the Florida Association of Pupil Transportation is against this bill because they believe that the advertisements will distract drivers and cause an increase in accidents. The truth is that to date, no school buses with advertisements in the US have been involved in a crash. Additionally, no advertising-related incidents have been reported for other public transportation vehicles with ads (Lynx) and their ads are substantially larger.

The Ad 2 Orlando government affairs committee will be keeping you up to date with the development of this bill. If you want to keep track of the progress of the bill online, click here: