Annual Ugly Sweater Cheer

When I heard about the Ugly Sweater social for Ad 2 I thought – what a fun idea.  We all get to dress and look ridiculous and it’s totally okay – and it’s not even Halloween!  The date I was bringing, a girl of course,  loaned me a sweater that was, admittedly, very ugly.  She was wearing a red wool coat that actually looked pretty good on her.  I told her she looked like she was going to a nice Christmas party, not an Ugly Sweater social.  I suggested we trade, so she could have a truly ugly sweater and I could sort of cross dress and look silly.  Well as ugly as cross dressing can be, I was definitely in the spirit of the social.  I didn’t intend on
being competitive in the contest, but once we realized the genius in my costume we started lobbying and charming the other people at the social for bows (they are like your score – more bows = win).  I thought I had it won, but another competitor who had won second last year came prepared to win this time.  Still, getting second place on a last minute idea was pretty fun.  The people I got to meet at the social were all really cool and nice, and what a great time!  I’ll definitely be there
next year again, with my own ugly sweater.  Hopefully the tradition of second place winning the next year stays true.

Cliff Steinhauer, Account Representative, Progressive Communications

Ad 2 Orlando Goes to San Diego

It was the Ad 2 National Mid-Year Retreat. Not only would this be my first-ever national conference, but my first time in San Diego! I was traveling with 4 other Ad 2 Orlando BODs: Will Royall, Kristen Zucks, Lindsey Levy and Ashton Dunn, who was on the same departing flight, Nashville-bound for a Jay Z concert. Overall, a damn good crew, I’d say.

The Gang!

We arrived in California late afternoon with one thing on our minds… The San Diego Zoo.


Saturday was next. Starting at 9 a.m. with breakfast and ending at 6 p.m. with a “shot of Kool-Aid”, we fit in a whole national conference in the remaining 8 hours. This included 2 ice breakers (Chubby Bunny pic below) the introduction of 35 National Ad 2 members, a presentation on The History of Ad 2, an open-topic Q and A session, a lunch presentation, and 2 separate break-out sessions. It was a long day, but having met so many new friends, we were excited and rejuvenated for the non-work portion of the conference; a stress-free evening in Downtown San Diego.

OUr Ad2 president really represented in "Chubby Bunny"

I shall title the night “Balloon Animals in Mexico”. Sounds strange but the fajitas were delightful and the company was even better, featuring Ray Cashbaugh from Ad 2 West Michigan, who moonlights as a balloon artist. By the end of dinner, we had a special creature on each of our heads.

My new best friends from Ad 2 Oklahoma City
We headed home on Sunday and I brought back: worksheets full of useful info for our club, a balloon giraffe hat to keep as a souvenir, a ton of great memories and a whole list of new friends to accept on Facebook.

Jeni Gammichia, President-Elect Ad 2 Orlando

A Private Screening Of Art and Copy — Review

In early November, Ad 2 Orlando hosted a private screening of Art and Copy for advertising and design professionals and students. As someone in the design field, it was great seeing all of the ways design has “broken the rules” and has transformed over the years. From the simplicity of the “Think small” beetle ads to the colorful iPod silhouettes, this film is inspiring and informative and helps you understand that advertising is more than just “art and copy.”

We were reminded that great advertising makes food taste better and aspires to illuminate. It goes beyond pretty pictures and key words, it is about making a statement! Over all, Art and Copy was truly inspiring and I strongly suggest anyone interested in how these two components work together see this film.

Brenda Defoe, Graphic Designer

Progressive Communications Design Group


Since my last Ad 2 event, I’ve given up caffeine and carbs. No more coffee and bagels for me for the time being. However, what I have not given up is kicking serious advertising ass and working hard at ECHO Interaction Group. We’re a youngish, newish digital agency right in the heart of Downtown Orlando at the Plaza. We specialize in digital, interactive, social media and multicultural marketing. The company was born at a trade show exactly one year ago. Last weekend, a few of us returned to the advertising motherland, New York City, to attend the Ad:Tech conference as a fully operational entity. Two of the ECHO partners, Carlos Carbonell, Mat Gaver and myself left Orlando on Tuesday afternoon and before I knew it, it was Friday afternoon and were touching back down at MCO.

The Ad:Tech conference was a natural disaster of information, networking and exposure to what the rest of the industry is up to. Walking the show floor was a bit of sensory overload. Exhibitors of all types were showing off their products, services and trade show gimmicks. I wasn’t even sure if some of them knew they were at an advertising conference, but they went all out anyway. Booth Babes? Free Beer? Don’t mind if I do.

The meat and potatoes of the show were the focus sessions and roundtables. We split up and attended as many as we could, presenters included executives from Facebook, CNN, Mazda, Pepsi, Nielsen and some of the biggest and brightest agencies in the land. It was highly educational and interesting to see some of the case studies and projects that have been successfully executed (or not so successfully) on national and international scales. I worked in NYC during the summer before coming back to Orlando to work for ECHO so when the show was over for the day, there were friends to catch up with outside of the Ad:tech sponsored parties (although somehow we made it to those too).

All said, it was an extremely successful and enjoyable trip. We didn’t sleep much, but in New York City, who needs it? I returned with some leads, plenty of industry perspective and a massive appreciation for a quite night sleeping in my own bed.

Jon Miller | Associate Marketing Director
ECHO Interaction Group | |

New Members Do Breakfast

Hi, my name is Jon and I’m an alcoholic. Oh, wrong meeting? Sorry. Hi, my name is Jon and I’m a new member of Ad 2 Orlando.

The Ad 2 Orlando new member breakfast at Panera Bread on Lake Eola took place a few weeks ago and was a great introduction to the club. I showed up right on time (ok, about 40 minutes late) and there was still coffee and bagels left. I’m thinking: I like these people already. The other new members that I met came from agencies, printing companies, advertising vendors as well as a few freelancers and everyone seemed excited to be involved, including the Ad 2 board members who were there.

I received my Ad 2 member certificate and membership card and got to talking with a few of the board members who told me about the committees that I could get involved with. They also told me about the annual “Ugly Sweater Social” event coming up on December 11th at Vintage Lounge. I’m looking forward to attending my first Ad 2 social as a member and, naturally, it’s for a good cause.  The club will be collecting toy donations for a local charity that provides holiday gifts to underprivileged children.

Jon Miller | Associate Marketing Director
ECHO Interaction Group | |

Taking the Guesswork out of Resume Writing

On Thursday November 5, Ad 2 Orlando joined forces with two esteemed University of Central Florida organizations; the Ad Club and Quotes, to put on a truly successful résumé workshop for the students of UCF. Professionals in the field kindly shared their expertise on the know-hows of all things résumé and answered innumerable questions raised by the ambitious students.

The expert panel included Principal at Acropolis, Terry Mooney; Communications Manager at Workforce Central Florida, Wendy Jo Moyer and Brand Marketing Manager for the Disney Performing Arts and Youth Programs, Janine Tano.  The panel enthusiastically answered the numerous questions as they were fired off by the large group of advertising, public relations and marketing students.

Overall, the resume workshop drew a great turnout.  Not a chair was left empty nor a slice of pizza left to waste – which was generously discounted by Sbarro’s Pizza in the UCF Student Union.  All in all, students left the rĂ©sumĂ© workshop with just a little more insight to help them land that perfect internship.

A big thanks to Quotes, the Ad Club, our fantastic panelists and all the participants of this year’s résumé workshop!  We’re looking forward seeing you at the next Ad2 Orlando event!

– Amanda Corrao, Administrative Assistant, Saab Training USA

Kickstart Networking with Kickball

I can’t tell you how excited our team was to participate in the 2009 Ad2 Orlando Kickball tourney. I take that back, sure I can. We were planning our player names even before we paid our fees. Talking about it for weeks before the big game. Stressing about ‘wiffing’ when it came time to step up to the plate. All that preparation went a long way in helping my team, Team Italy, clench the 2009 title.

All companies represented by Team Italy (including Progressive Communications, Fry Hammond Bar and WOAMTEC) are enjoying quality time with the golden kickball and looking forward to a repeat in 2010.

Most of Team Italy included employees of Progressive Communications, a central Florida based commercial printing company that also offers graphic design and direct mail services. And though most participating Progressive Communications employees were not members of Ad2, I can tell you that just one night of kickin’ it old school via kickball will probably change that. Who knew young advertising professionals in Orlando were so hot?!?! (OK, and passionate about their work.)

Check out picture’s of the event. and look for me! The back of my shirt says “Picatta.”

Thanks Ad 2, we had a blast!

Kali Keenan, Marketing Coordinator/Copywriter, Progressive Communications

A great time!

District 7 & 4 Conference in Destin, FL

Our trip started at 5 a.m. early Friday morning, the sun hadn’t even peaked out before we were on our way to Florida’s panhandle. We were heading to the 4th and 7th District Leadership Conference, the kick off weekend for all of the southeastern chapters of the American Advertising Federation. The 7-hour drive served as a great bonding experience for 4 of us Ad 2 Orlando Board Members as we brainstormed ideas and events for the upcoming year while simultaneously listened to some of Miley Sirus’ greatest hits.

Our Saturday started bright and early with coffee and breakfast, stress the coffee (we’re in the creative industry…always stress the coffee.) Scott Ginsberg—aka The Nametag Guy—spoke about making yourself an unforgettable brand. He has been wearing a nametag every day of his life, holding a Guinness World Record and becoming the most approachable guy in the world (He dares us to dispute this by googling “approachability”. You will find his name dominating the entire first pages).

For the rest of the day, our 9 Ad 2 Orlando Board Members split up, each attending the workshops that would best suit our committees.  I went to the following workshops, learning one key point from each:

Programs—Use the AAF as a resource for topic ideas and speakers, and advice. They are here to help.

Diversity—This is not a one-event initiative, it is YEAR-LONG.

Membership—Keeping member retention is difficult economy,  Personally know your members and make sure they are aware of every member benefit.

Club Achievement—Start now! It requires more work and organizing than you think.

Sunday morning, we began our day with breakfast during Dr. Culture’s “How Good Messaging Can Go Bad Across Cultures,” discussing the nuances of marketing across different cultures and giving examples of how campaigns can go very wrong if proper research is not executed. Dr. Culture gave many examples of how campaigns have been misinterpreted; although they were very funny, it was apparent how they have been found so offensive to other cultures.

The ride back was a little exhausting, but we had fun reminiscing on the preceding weekend. I came home with new friends, new ideas, and a new appreciation for the AAF and the benefits of being so involved. I couldn’t wait to come back to share everything I learned at the conference with all of you and the rest of our Board.

-Jen Gammichia (Ad 2 Orlando Diversity Chair)

Dinner with Destin's Sunset

2009-2010 New Year Kick Off Event

Ad 2 Orlando and the American Advertising Federation-Orlando (AAF-O) started the new organizational year off right with its New Year Kick Off Event at Brix in downtown Orlando. The event was a lively opportunity for both AAF-O and Ad 2 members to come out and meet the organization’s new board of directors, network with their fellow members and enjoy an evening of entertainment, drinks and fun.

Jen Gammichia and Yeosh Bendayan enthusiastically greeted all members as they arrived for the first social event of the year. New members to register for Ad 2 or AAF-O enjoyed membership discounts and a free T-shirt. Also, Brix kindly donated everyone’s first drink for free along with some yummy appetizers.

Everyone also had the chance to sign up for committees within both organizations — but don’t worry — you can still sign-up. Just email to request info about committees for Ad 2 Orlando and to learn about joining committees for AAF-O. Committee members will get the opportunity for hands-on involvement on upcoming activities, charities, events and aspirations for the upcoming year.

The evening was documented by Craig Brooks of Orlando Guest List, and he didn’t miss a moment as he snapped pictures while guests socialized, mixed and mingled. Photos are currently posted on Ad 2 Orlando’s Facebook page. Check it out and see for yourself the fun and excitement that was had by all who attended! All in all, the New Year Kick Off Event was a huge success! We were glad to see everyone who came out to support Ad 2 and AAF-O. Stay tuned for information on the next Ad 2 Orlando event!

– Amanda Corrao, Administrative Assistant, Saab Training USA

Our great turnout!

Ad 2 Orlando Blog: What to expect

Well, here you have it folks — the first official blog for Ad 2 Orlando – Young professionals in the advertising, marketing, public relations, design and interactive industries. Ad 2 Orlando is different from many other organizations and we wanted the first blog to represent what it is that makes us unique.

As an organization, we do a lot more than a couple socials and some educational programs.  We give young professionals the opportunity to get ahead of the game and take responsibility for their career.  It’s a dog eat dog world, and Ad 2 Orlando provides our membership with the chance to get ahead.  

We have several different committees that allow all different levels of commitment including: Membership, Communications, Public Relations, Programs, Socials, Education, Government Relations, Sponsorship, Diversity, and Public Service.  As this blog continues to grow and expand, there will be posts from the chairs of these different committees, who span several different industries, have different views, interests and information to offer.

No matter what your level of interest is, there is a place for you in Ad 2 Orlando. And if there’s not a place, this organization is set up to evolve and create one.

Please RSS our blog and keep up to date with what’s going on within our organization, and if you really want to keep up to date — become a member.  Ad 2 Orlando: Make It Your Own.