Hurricane Prep Checklist: Agency Edition

By Karina Ross (September 7, 2017)

While Central Floridians are preparing for the storm at home, it’s easy to become distracted and not prepare for the hurricane at work. To help alleviate some Irma pandemonium, here is a Hurricane Prep Checklist – Agency Edition.

Communicate with Clients

Those outside of the cone of uncertainty may be experiencing a different kind of uncertainty. Project statuses and due dates might be moved around with a natural disaster and it’s important to communicate with clients and alert them on any possible delays. Safety concerns for you and your team and a loss of electricity might delay project timelines. While your world is revolving around Irma, a client out of state may still be focused on the projects on their radar.

Back Up Files

Keep an eye on the clouds in the sky and your files in the cloud. Make sure to backup all your important documents, emails and the like, especially if you might not be able to go into the office and need to work remotely.

Stay Connected

Make sure your team has a way to communicate. Whether it’s sending panicked gifs over Slack or having a copy of everyone’s emergency contact info, it’s a good idea to stay in communication. Knowing where your team is and who to contact if a work emergency occurs outside of, you know, the Irma emergency, is important.

Stock Up

Water may be scarce, but that secret bottle of liquid courage stashed away in your office’s desk drawer is still there. Don’t forget to bring it home with you.

Above all else, stay safe, Orlando!

Non-Traditional Ways to Get a Job: Part I

How a Wallet Could Land You Your First Job

How a Wallet Could Land You Your First Job

By Michael Ortiz de Villate (August 30, 2017)

To work in creative, you need the wow-factor, that one thing that will help you stand out from other qualified candidates. You could be the most talented graphic designer in your school or region, but someone else could have one teeny-weeny advantage.

To avoid the challenges most graduates had to land their first jobs, Tuesday Poliak came up with an ingenious way to land herself a callback from every creative director she aspired to work for. Tuesday Poliak is currently executive vice president and chief creative officer of Wunderman D.C., a leading global digital agency. Poliak Graduated from the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, Calif., in 1994, a time where digital portfolios were non-existent. It was a heavy price to pay to print out a portfolio, which meant most could only print one or two to send out to an agency. Poliak found a way around that and was able to print her portfolio not just once but eleven times at a low cost.

Poliak got every creative director to pursue her by shrinking all of her work down to the size of a wallet. In fact, Poliak created 11 unique wallets that looked like they belonged to each of the creative directors they were assigned to. Inside, she created a realistic version of their driver’s licenses and placed examples of her work inside the photo sleeves. Where bills would normally go, she put larger ads. In the back was a phone card with her contact information, alongside her resume (made to look like an American Express card) and her school ID (to show them her educational background).

The trickiest part for Poliak was getting past reception in order to drop off the wallet — to literally drop it off somewhere random in the office. Poliak would leave it lying around for an employee to find and deliver to the creative director.

After all was said and done, Poliak successfully got a call from every creative director she reached out to and accepted her job with TBWA/Chiat/Day Venice as an art director. We’d call that a job well done.

Tell Us What You Think!

What do you think about Poliak’s method of acquiring a creative role? Tell us on social media!  

Seeking Local Nonprofits for Pro-Bono Marketing Campaign

ORLANDO, Fla. – (July 27, 2017) Ad 2 Orlando, a division of the American Advertising Federation, is currently accepting applications for its 2017–2018 virtual agency client. The selected organization will receive a full-service, integrated marketing campaign completely pro-bono from Ad 2 Orlando’s nationally acclaimed in-house digital agency.

Ad 2 is a national organization for advertising professionals ages 18-32. Annually, dedicated volunteers and board members in each chapter join forces to create an in-house creative agency complete with a creative director, accounts director, media buyer and more. They select a local nonprofit and use their professional expertise to create a complete, strategic marketing plan tailored to the client’s goals. These campaigns are not just theoretical – they are executed and seen through to completion, with the goal of making a real difference in each local community.

Last year, Ad 2 Orlando selected Tech Sassy Girlz as its virtual agency client. Tech Sassy Girlz is a local nonprofit empowering young females to get involved in STEM careers. Together, Ad 2 Orlando and Tech Sassy Girlz strategized, designed and executed a full rebrand and awareness campaign. All promotional, marketing and sales materials were updated and creative was sent to digital, print, radio and out-of-home media partners. Billboards ran on Interstate 4, a new website was launched and radio ads played during drive-time as part of the initiative.

Upon completion of the campaign, Ad 2 Orlando spent 2,000 man-hours working to achieve over 3.5 million impressions for Tech Sassy Girlz. The total campaign is valued at $500,000.

To be considered for the 2017–2018 virtual agency campaign, organizations must fill out the online application available here or via The top six candidates will be invited to interview with Ad 2 Orlando’s in-house agency, after which a final selection will be made.

Requirements: To be eligible, nonprofits must be exempt from Federal Income Tax under Sec. 501(c)(3) or similar sect of USIR code. All applications must be received by 11:59pm EST on August 11, 2017.

About Ad 2 Orlando
Ad 2 Orlando is the local young professional division of the American Advertising Federation. We represent the future of advertising, creating a means for up-and-coming professionals in the industry to gain the contacts, education and leadership opportunities they need to become tomorrow’s industry leaders. We strive to provide educational, developmental and networking opportunities while mentoring students and providing annual advertising support to nonprofit organizations in the Orlando community.

Ad 2 Contact
Creative Director: Nick Olko
Accounts Director: Jessica Warner



Ad 2 Orlando’s End of Year Celebration

Written by Nathalia Bailey

The 2016-2017 year came to a close last night at Ad 2 Orlando’s End of Year Celebration. Many friends were made, careers advanced and conversations enjoyed as members gathered over beer and wine at Ten 10 Brewing Company in Ivanhoe Village.

Board members reminisced on the challenges and successes of the year. Co-President Marissa Curran made a big move to Texas just a few months before her term was up, leaving Co-President Rebekah Bouch to take the reigns. Luckily, she had plenty of help from her friends. Several key board members stepped up to fill the void, including Helenn Bustillo, Michael Gualandri, Nick Olko, Karina Ross, and Alicia Abbott. All were honored with awards by a “really” appreciative Rebekah.

Yet, everyone contributed to the wins the board made at the Ad 2 National Conference this past June. Our Orlando chapter claimed several victories, including prizes in Diversity, Communications, Club Operations, Government Relations and Education. Not to mention our 2nd place win for our Public Service campaign for Tech Sassy Girls.

With the year at an end and a new year unfolding, Rebekah passed the gavel to new Co-Presidents Erin Pearlman and Ralphy Perez. Erin and Ralphy, having served as Vice-Presidents for the past year, are primed and ready to take the lead. They slide naturally into their new roles, their enthusiasm and support of Ad 2’s mission obvious in their inaugural statement and in their interactions with all members.

Moving forward, Ad 2 Orlando has it’s eye on the prize. Members are busy hatching innovative ideas for this coming year, the passion for the work ahead is clear. Members are all in, looking forward to a new year of new friends, new challenges and new impact.

Member Monday Spotlight: Michael Gualandri

Name: Michael Gualandri
Hometown: Metamora, IL
Day Job: Project Manager at Three21
Board Position: Membership Co-Chair

What is the best part about your job?

The best part about my job is keeping an eye on and adapting the latest marketing trends for our agency and our clients!

How would you describe your responsibilities in a tweet (yes…160 characters or less)?

Responsible for maintaining client accounts, discovering & analyzing their needs, and making sure they are beyond satisfied!

Why did you join Ad 2 Orlando?

I joined Ad 2 to surround myself with like minded people; young professionals who want to do more than the usual 9 to 5 in their careers. Everyone’s enthusiasm and curiosity for the industry is invigorating to say the least!

Most memorable Ad 2 moment?

My most memorable Ad 2 moment was helping with the Public Service committee’s video shoot for their selected non-profit, Tech Sassy Girlz. I was asked to help last minute and I didn’t contribute much, but the gratitude from the committee and the women in Tech Sassy Girlz made me so thankful to be a part of something much bigger.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

I would love to have the ability to teleport. Fulfilling the Millennial stereotype, I’m a naturally impatient individual so I would love to cut down an 8 hour flight to Europe down to an instant!

If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?

I would be a house cat. They get a pretty bad rep, but I’m trying to understand how being taken care of AND getting to sleep all day is a bad thing? Plus there’s a 99.99% chance I could easily become internet famous.

Member Monday Spotlight: Ralphy Perez

Name: Ralphy Perez
Hometown: Orlando, FL
Day Job: Account Executive at Clear Channel Outdoor
Board position: VP of Development

What is the best part about your job?

I love meeting small business owners who are passionate about what they do and hearing their stories about how they started their business. It is such an honor to assist them with their advertising and being part of their growth!

How would you describe your responsibilities in a tweet (yes…160 characters or less)?

I assist businesses with outdoor advertising by managing a book of business of existing clients, while prospecting for new advertisers. Basically, I sell billboards for a living 🙂

Why did you join Ad 2 Orlando?

Being relatively new to the ad world, I needed to learn more about the industry and I enjoy being around like-minded people.

Most memorable Ad 2 moment?

Going to Ad 2 Mid-Year Conference in Tucson! It was so much fun to meet Ad 2 members from different parts of the nation and now I call these people my friends.

If you can have any dish right now, what would it be?

Fried Chicken and Waffles! This is by far the best combination in the world and if you must know, the best fried chicken & waffles are at The Coop in Winter Park! You must get the bourbon syrup with it!

Member Monday Spotlight: Lisa Esser

Name: Lisa Esser
Hometown: Willingboro, NJ
Day Job: Communications Manager at Adventist University of Health Sciences

What is the best part about your job?

I get to do my favorite thing 99% of the time: writing. And it’s really satisfying to be able to use a skill I’m passionate about to find creative solutions and support my team’s efforts.

How would you describe your responsibilities in a tweet (yes…160 characters or less)?

The office word nerd and grammar geek. I do the writing and manage social media. You could probably replace me with an autonomous thesaurus.

Why did you join Ad 2 Orlando?

I originally joined Ad 2 for all the conventional reasons: networking, portfolio/resume building, learning new skills, etc. But what I thought would become a chore, turned out to be an awesome experience both personally and professionally! I’ve made real friendships and I’m always connecting with people from varied backgrounds and industries. Ad 2 is a terrific resource for people in professions other than marketing or advertising.

Most memorable Ad 2 moment?

I’ve had some great times with Ad 2, but recently, I’ve really enjoyed my time working with the Public Service Committee. It’s a very different experience from my day job duties – pitching completely new ideas, collaborating with a client, and working on entirely new content.

If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?

Ooh, I’ve thought about this one a lot. I feel like it’s too cliche to say “flying” or “super strength”, although those would be great. I like the idea of time manipulation. I think every adult wishes they had more time to get things done, ha ha. I feel like stopping time or turning back the clock wouldn’t work out well in real life, but since when do comics factor in logic?

Introducing our 2016-2017 Public Service Virtual Agency Client…

We are beyond excited to introduce our Public Service campaign for the 2016-17 year! Interested in joining the team? We are recruiting talented and enthusiastic young professionals to be a part of our Virtual Agency campaign! It’s time to showcase your skills and give back to the local ad community.

Without further ado…drumroll please… this year’s Virtual Agency client is Collegiate Pathways – Tech Sassy Girlz! Think technology is boring and only for boys? Think again! Tech Sassy Girlz mission is to empower underrepresented middle and high school girls to pursue science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields through college preparation, career readiness, and mentoring.

If you are interested in getting involved, here are a few reasons why getting involved with our Virtual Agency is the place to be…

  • Learn something new! You may work in a day job that keeps you focused on one facet of communications or creative. You can get the chance to dip your feet in all areas of making a communications campaign complete. Graphic designer by day, but interested in media buying by night? You got it!
  • Your opinion counts! A Virtual Agency runs like a real agency so everything is a TEAM effort so your creative and strategic thoughts will always be considered, which is why we want every member to commit to coming to the monthly meetings.
  • Give back. Decide what you have to give and we’ll take it! You will get as much out of Public Service and Ad 2 Orlando in general as you give. We’re all here to do something meaningful and great with our skills. Last year, our campaign for Fairways for Warriors placed Third Place at the Ad 2 National competition and saved 22 combat wounded warrior veterans lives!
  • Meet new friends! This one is a no-brainer. Get to work hard and play hard with people that are FUN and talented. Everyone can use a new friend. Plus, our committee meetings are never boring and we always keep you hydrated (beer and wine of course)!

Interested in getting involved? We’ve got you covered! Fill the form out below, yep it’s that easy! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our Sassy lady leaders (Alicia, Karina & Liana) at

Ad 2 Orlando Seeks Local Nonprofit for Pro-Bono Marketing Campaign as Part of Public Service Initiative

ORLANDO, Fla. – (July 7, 2016) Ad 2 Orlando, a division of the American Advertising Federation comprised of advertising professionals ages 18–32, is currently accepting applications for its 2016–2017 public service client. The selected organization will receive a full-service, integrated marketing campaign completely pro-bono from Ad 2 Orlando’s nationally acclaimed, award-winning in-house digital agency.

Each year, Ad 2 chapters across the country select a local nonprofit and work with that organization to put together a complete marketing plan. These campaigns are not just theoretical — they are executed and seen through to completion, with the goal of making a real difference in each local community.

Ad 2 Orlando’s 2015-2016 client was Fairways for Warriors, a veterans charity organization that provides hope, healing and camaraderie for combat wounded veterans and their families. After identifying the specific needs of this amazing organization, Ad 2 Orlando strategized, designed and executed a full rebrand, website redesign and series of community awareness initiatives through digital, print, radio and out-of-home advertising as well as public relations tactics.

Upon completion of the campaign, Ad 2 Orlando garnered 300,000 paid media impressions, over $40,000 in donated media and more than $15,000 in earned media, valued at nearly $500,000. The campaign raised over $5,000 in donations in just one month and exceeded the goal number for new Fairways for Warriors veteran members in that same one-month period.

To be considered as the 2016–2017 public service client, nonprofit organizations can fill out the online application available here or via The top six candidates will be invited to interview with Ad 2 Orlando’s public service committee, after which a final selection will be made.

Requirements: To be eligible, nonprofits must be exempt from Federal Income Tax under Sec. 501(c)(3) or similar sect of USIR code. All applications must be received by 11:59 pm EST on Sunday, July 24, 2016.

For more information or for specific questions, please contact the Ad 2 Orlando public service team at

About Ad 2 Orlando
Ad 2 Orlando is the local young professional division of the American Advertising Federation. We represent the future of advertising, creating a means for up-and-coming professionals in the industry to gain the contacts, education and leadership opportunities they need to become tomorrow’s industry leaders. We strive to provide educational, developmental and networking opportunities while mentoring students and providing annual advertising support to nonprofit organizations in the Orlando community.

Ad 2 Contact
Alicia Abbott
Immediate Past President


Join the 2016 -2017 Ad 2 Orlando Board!

Do you like planning events, learning more about email marketing or managing social media? Are you just looking to gain new skills and make yourself more marketable to your current employer while having a good time?

If you answered yes and you’re looking to get more involved with some pretty awesome young professionals (32 & under, of course) we are now recruiting for the 2016 – 2017 Ad 2 Orlando Board of Directors. We are looking for Programs, Social Media, Fundraising chairs and more. Interested in getting involved? Fill out our application below: