By Karina Ross (September 7, 2017)
While Central Floridians are preparing for the storm at home, it’s easy to become distracted and not prepare for the hurricane at work. To help alleviate some Irma pandemonium, here is a Hurricane Prep Checklist – Agency Edition.
Communicate with Clients
Those outside of the cone of uncertainty may be experiencing a different kind of uncertainty. Project statuses and due dates might be moved around with a natural disaster and it’s important to communicate with clients and alert them on any possible delays. Safety concerns for you and your team and a loss of electricity might delay project timelines. While your world is revolving around Irma, a client out of state may still be focused on the projects on their radar.
Back Up Files
Keep an eye on the clouds in the sky and your files in the cloud. Make sure to backup all your important documents, emails and the like, especially if you might not be able to go into the office and need to work remotely.
Stay Connected
Make sure your team has a way to communicate. Whether it’s sending panicked gifs over Slack or having a copy of everyone’s emergency contact info, it’s a good idea to stay in communication. Knowing where your team is and who to contact if a work emergency occurs outside of, you know, the Irma emergency, is important.
Stock Up
Water may be scarce, but that secret bottle of liquid courage stashed away in your office’s desk drawer is still there. Don’t forget to bring it home with you.
Above all else, stay safe, Orlando!