Introducing…our 2012-13 Public Service Client!

We are beyond excited to introduce our Public Service campaign for the 2012-13 year! And we are even more thrilled about the amount of talented and enthusiastic young professionals showing interest in joining the team!

Without further ado, Informed Families and its Lock Your Meds program, is our client this time around! If you are at all familiar with the pill mill problem in the state of Florida, you know that illegal prescription drug use is a serious issue that needs addressing. Our goal is to help the Lock Your Meds program reach its audience and provide valuable resources to parents about the drug trade going on right under their noses with their prescriptions.

If you are interested in getting involved, here are a few reasons why public service is the place to be…

  1. Learn something new! You may work in a day job that keeps you focused on one facet of communications. For example, Ashley works in PR and Hannah works in Marketing for a living. But, what about bringing a campaign full-circle? We love having the chance to dip our feet in all areas of making a communications campaign complete. Graphic designer by day, but interested in media buying by night? You got it!
  2. Your opinion counts! Public service is a TEAM effort so your creative and strategic thoughts will always be considered, which is why we want every member to commit to coming to the monthly meetings.
  3. Give back. Decide what you have to give and we’ll take it! You will get as much out of Public Service and Ad 2 Orlando in general as you give. We’re all here to do something meaningful and great with our skills. Last year, our campaign for SafeHouse of Seminole saved 4 lives from domestic violence!
  4. Meet new friends! This one is a no-brainer. Get to work hard and play hard with people that are FUN and talented. Everyone can use a new friend 🙂

If you have any questions about getting involved, reach out to We look forward to meeting each of you! More information coming soon about next steps.

Here’s to a FANTASTIC campaign!

Hannah & Ashley

Public Service 2012-13 Co-chairs

I’ve graduated…now what?!

Graduated. It’s an exciting feeling right? Diploma came in the mail, moved into your big-boy apartment downtown, and traded in that uniform and minimum wage for a cubicle and full-time benefits. Everything is right with the world, and the brand new environment has you floating on cloud nine for about two weeks. Then you realize, you aren’t juggling a thousand things anymore – you’re a 22-year old with free time and the feeling is wrong.

Every young Advertising professional will experience this emptiness. The key is to find an activity that will keep you sharp, involved, and connected – and I’ve found Ad 2 to meet those needs. I’m excited to be a part of an organization that is so focused on networking and engaging its members through social events, programs that include guest speakers, and volunteer activities. Being connected after college is important, and Ad 2 is great way to show you are serious about your career.

Want to get involved, too? Come and show your face on Thursday, August 23rd for our SERVE event, and check out Ad 2’s Facebook page for more information.

-Darius King Lana, Ad 2 Orlando Sponsorships Co-chair