There came a time for me (three months ago, to be exact) when I realized that although I loved my job and the talented, wonderful people I worked with, I needed more; I could use a new challenge. I was once told that even in hard times, talented people can find jobs. Over the past year, I have seen about a dozen very talented friends and co-workers lose their jobs. I agree with the advice, however, I would make some small edits.
In hard times, talented peopleā€”with connections in their professionā€”can find jobs much easier.
Thanks to my networking and connections made in my position as the ’09-’10 Ad 2 Orlando Socials Chair, I was able to secure a position as Lead Graphic Designer in the marketing department at Turnstile Publishing Co. During the initial interview process, I was able to call on fellow Ad 2 board members for references. Now that I have the job, I take advantage of my professional relationships when I am in need of any outside resources (freelancers, print jobs, interns).
–Jillian Baco, Ad 2 Orlando Socials Chair, and Lead Graphic Designer, Turnstile Publishing Company