Ad 2 Orlando 2019 - 2020 Executive Board
Top Row: Chris Delahoz – Education Chair, Jordan Eichenblatt – President, Caroline Beaty – Secretary, Nick Olko – Immediate Past President
Bottom Row: Anna Araujo – Creative Chair, Elizabeth Caico – Events Chair, Victoria Putzeys – Vice President, Francita Williams – Public Service Chair
"Ad 2 Orlando has shaped who I am as a leader, professional and person. I've tripled – if not quadrupled – the number of contacts I have in our industry and made a name for myself in this market. I'm more knowledgeable, capable and confident. I wouldn't trade my years with Ad 2 Orlando for anything, I owe my career to this organization."

2018-2019 Past President
“Ad 2 has opened a lot of doors for me - job opportunities, freelance work, and some really great like-minded friends. You don’t realize all the benefits until you’re talking to people who have different connections and know of new opportunities. Everyone is pretty plugged-in, it’s a cool experience, especially when you’re looking for opportunity yourself.”

2018-2019 Membership Chair
"Over two years ago, I joined Ad 2 Orlando and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I've grown as an advertiser, made lasting relationships with other young professionals in the industry and had the opportunity to travel to new cities with my peers!"

2018-2019 Treasurer