Ad 2 Orlando is made up of passionate individuals in Central Florida who want to further their career and sharpen their skills, while having fun meeting new people in the advertising community. 

Ad 2 was established for those early in their profession who are ready to propel their career to the next level through the network, core values, and leadership of the American Advertising Federation. We’re 40,000 strong nationwide – full of graphic designers, account executives, media specialists, PR professionals, artists, writers and conceptual thinkers.

There’s a place for you here. This is diversity at its best, in a place where we can all improve and help each other.


Membership Benefits

Professional Networking
Members surround themselves with other professionals in the Orlando community and grow their network, providing them with special opportunities and connections.

Education Opportunities
Ad 2 events feature industry leaders who keep members in-the-know when it comes to industry trends. Is there something you’d like to learn more about? Let us know and we’ll do our best to make it happen!

Giving Back
Members can contribute to pro bono marketing campaign to give back to the community, sharpening their skills at the same time.

Leadership Opportunities
Members may serve on a committee chair or on a subcommittee to gain leadership and team experience. Learn more about our available positions here

Our Sponsors

Join Us

Whether you’re just out of school, or well-established in your career looking for an opportunity to inspire tomorrow’s award-winning talent, there’s a place for you here. Unlock the next level of your career with Ad 2 Orlando.


Ad 2 Orlando is the young professional affiliate of the American Advertising Federation Orlando. Established in 1905, the American Advertising Federation (AAF) is the only organization that includes members across all disciplines and career levels in advertising.

We work together to ensure you have the clearest path to success possible. As your career surpasses the scope of Ad 2, the AAF is ready to provide new and exciting opportunities for you to take advantage of.

From Our Members

“I joined Ad 2 Orlando and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I’ve grown as an advertiser, made lasting relationships with other young professionals in the industry and had the opportunity to travel to new cities with my peers!”


“Ad 2 Orlando has shaped who I am as a leader, professional and person. I’ve tripled – if not quadrupled – the number of contacts I have in our industry and made a name for myself in this market. I’m more knowledgeable, capable and confident. I wouldn’t trade my years with Ad 2 Orlando for anything, I owe my career to this organization.”


“Ad 2 has opened a lot of doors for me – job opportunities, freelance work, and some really great like-minded friends. You don’t realize all the benefits until you’re talking to people who have different connections and know of new opportunities. Everyone is pretty plugged-in, it’s a cool experience, especially when you’re looking for opportunity yourself.”

Upcoming Events & Meetings

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